
of a meeting of the

Scrutiny Committee


held on Tuesday, 11 June 2024at 7.00 pm

at Meeting Room 1, Abbey House, Abbey Close, Abingdon, OX14 3JE



Open to the public, including the press


Present in the meeting room:

Councillors: Katherine Foxhall (Chair), Judy Roberts (Vice-Chair), Ron Batstone, James Cox, Oliver Forder, Hayleigh Gascoigne, Debby Hallett, Robert Maddison and Eric de la Harpe

Officers: Tim Oruye (Head of Policy and Programmes), Candida Basilio (Democratic Services Officer)


Cabinet members: Councillor Andrew Crawford (Finance and Property Assets)


Also present remotely:

Councillors: Cabinet Member Mark Coleman (Waste and Environmental Services)


Officers: Andrew Busby(Head of Development and Corporate Landlord), Suzanne Malcolm (Deputy Chief Executive – Place), Mark Minion (Head of Corporate Services), Aileen Sparling (Principal Place Officer)




1.        Chair's announcements


Chair ran through housekeeping matters.




2.     Apologies for absence






3.     Minutes of the last meeting



The minutes of the meeting on 5 February 2024 were agreed to be a correct record, and the chair will sign them as such.





4.     Declaration of interests


Councillor Judy Roberts declared that she was a member of Oxfordshire County Council, as Cabinet Member for Infrastructure & Development Strategy.





5.     Urgent business






6.     Public participation






7.     Work schedule and dates for all Vale scrutiny meetings


There will be additional meetings around September to ensure time to scrutinise the reports coming up.


Other work programme ideas:


Decarbonisation lesson learned report – a member asked what other items we can add as lesson learned.


How do we deliver housing?


Community Infrastructure Levy and Section 106 requests – how do we decide what we are asking for in S106 agreements. This could come under lessons learned, also infrastructure and services that come with housing.


Section 106 concern over funds needing to be paid back – can we have reporting on this? It was confirmed that this would be covered in a later meeting.


Chair asked members to consider what they wanted to add or remove from the work programme.





8.     Update on recommendations from previous Vale Scrutiny Committee meetings


Members noted the updates.




9.     Exclusion of the public



Members voted in favour of excluding the public to consider a confidential report.




10.     New waste vehicle depot


Members discussed the report of the Head of Development and Corporate Landlord and gave recommendations to Cabinet.







The meeting closed at 8.46 pm




Chair:                                                                                     Date: